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Read Thread: Sorry about that....

Re: Sorry about that....
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #55402 by Romana
Dec 6, 2006 3:53pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Quote thank you for huge type! this half blind woman really, really appreciates not having to slobber on her laptop while reading aq!

I put my preferences in for the huge type and the tiny type just to try them, and ack! It's SOOO huge! It amazes me that some people can lead normal, regular lives if they need text that large. =) Not having vision problems myself, it's hard for me to know how to improve things like that. I tried blurring my vision a tad to get the effect, but I'm not really sure how accurate that is. *shrug*

If anyone really needs even LARGER text than the preferences allow, let me know. There's not really any limit to how large I can make the text. =) There could be some minor formatting problems with certain browsers, but it's very flexible. (On a side clues--clues are also printed at the same size you've marked in the preferences, so printed clues will also be HUGE if that's your preference.)

-- Ryan