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Read Thread: Notes section

Notes section
Board: Suggestion Box
May 20, 2009 3:02pm
Thread (disabled) Board
So one of the few of the many changes on AQ in the semi-recent past that I adore and get great use out of has been the addition of a "Notes" section.

It's soooo helpful for solving PTs, clues, etc that print in one place all ready to an event, boxing, etc.

However, when you click on the Add Notes section you only see that field (along with the reminder that only see them, etc).

Would it be possible to make it so that you are able to type in the Notes section while at the same time be able to see actual the text (PT, clue, etc) about which you're making notes?

I find it difficult to have to work in 2 windows when I'm working on answering the question that I'm taking notes on. If I've not made myself clear about what I mean - let me know.

Thanks for at least considering it, Ryan.

Re: Notes section
Board: Suggestion Box
Reply to: #391410 by preboxed
May 20, 2009 4:23pm
Thread (disabled) Board
I've solved this by c/p the text in the notes section and adding my notes/answers as I learn them. I remove the extraneous text when I'm done.

I love this feature because I don't waste any paper printing clues anymore. Ever since I signed up for the LbCon, I've looked at the PT's listed. I've put a silver star by all the PT's I have read and know the solution. Then I have a quick reference to find the newly listed boxes (without stars). Solve them and tag them. I am ready for the LbCon!

When I record these finds, I'll removed the silver tag. Those that I don't get will be ready for the next opportunity.
Re: Notes section
Board: Suggestion Box
Reply to: #391410 by preboxed
Jun 18, 2009 12:05pm
Thread (disabled) Board
One word:


Well and Thanks Ryan for putting the clue text next to the notes section.

This helps - a LOT!
