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Read Thread: bad but good news about my box

bad but good news about my box
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Mar 24, 2008 2:44pm
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Well, I had a message that one of our boxes was found out in the grass, open! Now, this sounds bad, right??? Our homeschool group planted the series, and little by little there have been problems with the boxes. I think-great, now I need to explain this to the kids again. But no! The finder is a local geocacher who ran across it by accident. He grabbed up all the pieces, took it home, and created an account here so he could contact me about it. We are meetin up later this week so I can get the box back in its rightful place. This started a great dialogue between us. He's been very nice and polite. He even asked if he could stamp into the box (with his own handmade stamp!) before returning it. Of course! So, he even asked about my active boxes here and told me of his plans to plant around our area. He was polite enough to make sure he's not stepping on "my" territory with his caches, and I did the same. His philosophy? Geocachers and Letterboxers can co-exist even in the same parks because we're all out hunting treasure anyway! I do clearly mark my boxes and have not had problems with missing stamps like some have, and am aware that these things happen. But I am very pleased that the dialogue has been opened. Hopefully this can happen in other areas as well.
Re: bad but good news about my box
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #202914 by songwriter
Mar 26, 2008 2:56am
Thread (disabled) Board
It all sounds pretty good but please be VERY cautious about meeting up with someone you have only just "met". Hopefully, you aren't meeting where you planted the box. Is someone else going with you? Do you have a big, scary dog on hand?

Good Luck, Teacup
Re: bad but good news about my box
Board: Traditional Letterboxes
Reply to: #203630 by Teacup
Mar 26, 2008 6:01am
Thread (disabled) Board
We're meeting in the open space at the park, and I'm taking my very large hubby! And my dogs wouldn't scare anyone. They are both poms and, while I think they're protective, furry dustmops couldn't hurt anyone! Thanks for being concerned! I guess with meeting other letterboxers we don't always think twice about meeting up with someone we don't know.