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Read Thread: Boxers, briefs, wassa matta with people?

Boxers, briefs, wassa matta with people?
Board: Miscellaneous Oddities
Mar 9, 2008 12:18pm
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Today I went to do spring maintenance. I have a series of boxes with a little educational theme,
placed in conservation areas in a lovely part of the country heavily visited by tourists. They are
kid friendly. Imagine my reaction when I found someone had taken a tree branch, put a pair of large men's briefs on it and placed it over the the spot in the tree where one of my boxes is. Anyone would have to remove it to get the box. Ofcourse I did that and removed the briefs as well. But I just hope no children had to come upon that in a letterbox outing. Anyway, just a reminder to spruce up your boxes for spring. You never know what you may need to do! simple pleasures