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Read Thread: My Boston Trip . . . Wednesday

My Boston Trip . . . Friday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #191779 by Geometry Junkie
Mar 4, 2008 12:34pm
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After a morning full of boring meetings, I stuffed myself into a pair of blue jeans and set off to find the train station.

I tried to get on the T and Amtrak before I figured out that I was really supposed to be on the commuter train. I made my way down to Track 3 and waited. A strange guy stood too close to me, so when the train pulled up, I made a dash to the next train down. I wasn't going to get stuck sitting by that guy.

I'm so glad that I had this opportunity to get out of Boston and see the beautiful countryside. I was amazed by the cleanliness of the area and the beauty of the houses. I didn't see any mobile homes, and I saw very few single-story houses.

When I arrived in Forge Park, Good Luck Bear, T1, T2, and T3 were waiting for me. I hated to be difficult, but I had to make an initial request. "Can you take me somewhere that sells deodorant?" Yep, in my excitement to begin the day, I had overlooked one important detail.

After a trip to a grocery store (I can't remember the name, but it wasn't Winn Dixie or Piggly Wiggly) and Panera for lunch, we headed off to find some boxes.

Our first stop was a beautiful snow covered neighborhood park where I discovered that I'm a huge baby. My hosts had to hold my hands and check things out for me. I'm so ashamed, but I wasn't used to the snow or the hills. (I saw snow falling for the first time in my life last month, and I live on Georgia's coastal plain.) We didn't find the box we were looking for, but I'm so glad that we tried. I am still amazed by the beauty of that park.

Next stop: Dunkin' Donuts, of course. We needed to heat our cold and wet bodies with a little coffee, and I bought some donut holes. I still want someone to explain to me how all of those Dunkin' Donuts stay in business. Do you guys eat THAT many donuts?

We found 3 boxes in Lexington next, and I had a great time there. The graveyard was my favorite. I was very surprised to see that the graves weren't all facing east. Some were in a semicircle. (I was very confused as to where the actual bodies were, and I'm afraid that I accidentally displayed extreme disrespect for the deceased. I hope T2 and T3 didn't notice.) I had another oops moment in the cemetary. As I tried to enlist some help in trying to pry up a rock, GLB pointed out that the "rock" I was trying to search under was indeed a tombstone. I'm glad that I didn't get it up.

Finally, we drove into Boston. I wanted to stop by my hotel room to freshen up (wash my armpits and dry my wet feet), and my kind hosts were very accomodating once again. (It's all my fault that we were late to the mini-meet. I'm sorry about that.) I barely remember the mini-meet. I think there was a frog stamp, some LTCs, a meatball, maybe some talk of Viagra. It was a whirlwind of ink, stamps, and Italian food.

My Boston Trip . . . Saturday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #191779 by Geometry Junkie
Mar 4, 2008 1:02pm
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I had to attend two meetings on Saturday (long story), so I did so unhappily. I got ANGRY, however, when I found out that my 3 traveling companions (one of them is my best friend and another is my boss) neglected the meetings. By the time I called them, they had built a snowman, had a snowball fight, been to Fenway Park, visited Paul Revere's house, and were shopping at Quincy Market. I was so FURIOUS, and I didn't really enjoy the rest of my day after that.

I did do these things, though:

Got on the T for the first time to meet up with my "friends." Only 3 people had to help me figure things out.
Wondered around the North End aimlessly for over an hour. (I didn't have a map. I thought that I was meeting up these "friends" in the lobby.)
Accidentally found the Old North Church, but I had no one with which to share my Paul Revere knowledge.
Shopped for souveniers at Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market. (The Christmas ornament I bought BROKE on the way home.)
Waited in the freezing cold for 40 minutes for my "friends" to finish eating at Legal Seafood.
Took a tour of "Old Ironsides."
Bought a canoli at Mike's Pastry.
Walked through the Hay Market and bought a blood orange for nourishment.
Walked through the Holocaust Memorial.
Tried (for the third time) to visit the Sky Line. I was too late.

After a sleepless night, I got ready to head home early Sunday morning. The van driver drove 90mph through some tunnel on the way to the airport. He also drove in the middle of the road. I'm scared of those van drivers.

Well, even though I let my anger get the best of me on Saturday, I am eager to return to Boston with my family. Since I homeschool, I would love for my kids to be able to visit. If we come, I will stick to the T, I think, and I'll avoid the vans. :o)

Re: My Boston Trip . . . Saturday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #193715 by Geometry Junkie
Mar 4, 2008 1:51pm
Thread (disabled) Board! Well You can say your trip was memerable! :} When you drag your youngsters up this way, holler out! Alot of us know the best kids places to go, and they are educational too! Glad to meet you and happy to read about your adventures in New England!
Re: My Boston Trip . . . Friday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #193695 by Geometry Junkie
Mar 4, 2008 2:44pm
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Do you guys eat THAT many donuts

I was thinking the same thing! Seriously! why are they on every corner??
Re: My Boston Trip . . . Friday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #193695 by Geometry Junkie
Mar 4, 2008 2:57pm
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Quote I still want someone to explain to me how all of those Dunkin' Donuts stay in business. Do you guys eat THAT many donuts?

It ain't about the donuts.
Re: My Boston Trip . . . Friday
Board: State: Massachusetts
Reply to: #193802 by ArchimedesScrew
Mar 4, 2008 3:59pm
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Quote Mar 4, 2008 5:57 PM

Quote I still want someone to explain to me how all of those Dunkin' Donuts stay in business. Do you guys eat THAT many donuts?

It ain't about the donuts.


DD vs. Starbucks... (A popular local talk radio show that usually focuses on hot political topics recently had this as the topic of discussion for a full hour! It was hysterical to listen to all the different Bostonians calling in to make the argument for DD or for Starbucks. But, hot politics it is (no pun intended...ok, maybe intended just a bit)).
