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Read Thread: New Preferences Available! =)

Re: New Preferences Available! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #183449 by Trekkie Gal
Feb 5, 2008 12:44pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Now I realized that I don't see those types of boxes in my profile either.

The point was to make AQ appear as if the unwanted types did not exist at all. There are a few tricky places where you can still see unwanted types, but that's just because they're tricky to get rid of (such as in the AQ stats) and I haven't had time to fix it in those locations.

But not to worry--the boxes ARE still in your profile. AQ just isn't showing them to YOU since you marked the types as not wanted. Other people will still be able to see everything. (The totals, alas, still include all types, so you'll find the columns may not "add" correctly anymore in that case. It's little stuff like that I need to fix. I think I might get rid of the totals row completely since it doesn't really serve much purpose. Not like the various types are actually compatible or anything.

In any case, if you want to access something that's normally hidden, you can always change your preferences temporarily or create an alter ego that doesn't hide such details. =)

-- Ryan
Re: New Preferences Available! =)
Board: Atlas Quest Announcements
Reply to: #180090 by J Walkers
Feb 7, 2008 9:25pm
Thread (disabled) Board

You're just one remarkable man. Thru-hiking and keeping up with Atlas Quest. I'm impressed.

Thanks for looking out for us. :)

Mothers Love