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Read Thread: When a box is tampered with

When a box is tampered with
Board: State: North Carolina
Dec 29, 2007 7:23pm
Thread (disabled) Board
It just torques my jibs when I hear that a box I've planted has been maliciously destroyed.

Today I got a message from someone who went to find one I planted in Greensboro, only to find the stamp broken into pieces and the box thrown into the bushes. This is the second box I have had to replace for the same reason (not in the same spot)

The person who found the parts collected them and then sent me a message about it. I guess it comes with the territory, but sometimes I just want to scream. I took a lot of time carving and placing the box for others to find and enjoy. I can't stand it when people destroy things.

Thank you for allowing me to rant!
Re: When a box is tampered with
Board: State: North Carolina
Reply to: #168555 by Shi eh ree
Dec 29, 2007 7:30pm
Thread (disabled) Board
Yep, that is obviously more than someone mistaking it for trash. I don't blame you for being upset. I'm sorry that happened to your box.

Knit Wit
Re: When a box is tampered with
Board: State: North Carolina
Reply to: #168555 by Shi eh ree
Dec 29, 2007 7:33pm
Thread (disabled) Board
uh oh... we just found 2 of yours the other day. I don't think we were observed, we're very careful about that.

I'm so sorry this happened to one of your boxes.