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Read Thread: Holidays and Families

Re: Holidays and Families
Board: Yakking It Up
Reply to: #155013 by Three Hearts
Nov 20, 2007 11:40am
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Quote What the hullaballoo does your family tree look like, a briar patch?

Exactly!!!! His side is huge and messy and mine is small but clingy. His immediate is the messiest though, we just try to ignore the situation as much as possible. We don't much like some of those people, before and now still. My mouth is about to get bigger soon too, I'm afraid that now that I'm an "actual family member" that someone's gonna pull that nasty insult hidden in a joke crap with me and I'm just going to turn around and point out that I hope their low self-esteem feels better for pointing out my silly little mistake. Oh I hate that crap.

Quote Duuuuuuuude.... You need to write a book...or a sitcom or something. :o)

Ya know, I've heard this many times but I just can't imagine that anyone would be interested enough to publish it, let alone buy it or watch it. I mean, how can I put it nicely that my family is cracked? And it's more messed up than what I put here obviously, lol.

Best to ignore as much as possible and start my own family with my husband. Luckily we've seen the faults in our families and are committed to not having our future children feel and wonder these things too. Don't get me wrong, there are some lovely wonderful things about our families, but we are going to do it better ; )
