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Read Thread: One Happy Army Mom!

Re: One Happy Army Mom!
Board: State: Ohio
Reply to: #114720 by Queen of Swords
Aug 2, 2007 10:01am
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Queen of Swords110, MHD and MammaJuggz and others who might also be interested,

This is wonderful news that you are interested in sending cards etc. to these soldiers. I have a personal traveler called "Postcards for the 82nd Airborne" that you can participate in even through mail with me. I will paste the link to make it easier, but I want to be sure to direct you to the bottom of the LENGTHY information so that you can jump to the names of the soldiers in Greg's squad of 10 marked with an (*) asterick and the entire list of names is his platoon including those who are now attached to them as well. I hope to be able to confirm the names with Greg while he is home on leave. Please do not be overwhelmed at how much is there. It has become an easy way for me to update folks without loading any of the boards. Just go to the bottom.

Just so you 3 know, there have been many examples of incredible generosity and caring demonstrated through this PT and I will forever be grateful. You are more than welcome to pick one soldier, write postcards to just Greg's squad or to the entire platoon. It is all up to you. There has been an incredible variety of how letterboxers have accomplished this. You can print the exact same message off on your printer or they can be individual. They can be store-bought postcards or they can be made on index cards---it is 100% your choice.

All postcards can be mailed directly to me (so there is no need to leave room for the soldier's address) and then I put them into a care package making sure every soldier gets one in each shipment. You can also write to a soldier by name---or just be generic---either way these guys appreciate this more than you can imagine.

Oh yes....there WERE instances where a soldier or two was not receiving any mail but as far as I know (and I will ask Greg again) but everyone with them is now getting mail.

I will send you my address in a personal stay tuned for that.

Here is the link---and thank you for asking about this! =)

Thanks so much!!