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Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109705 by Jenkins on a Journey
Jul 17, 2007 9:56am
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Quote It's missing! :(

Okay, I'm going to take the contrary view and say, "Congratulations!"


Now you've experienced the worst that can happen as a planter. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't so terrible, was it? Kind of like taking an ungraceful spill on a sidewalk--a little road rash but no permanent injury. Hopefully, you've even figured out how you can improve on the hiding place and maybe you'll like the recarved stamp more.

And if you find you just can't bear the loss...planting is probably not the right avenue for you. Because believe me, they will go missing. And usually you'll have no idea whether it was flood, maintenance crews, bad rehiders, critters or some mysterious alien that caused it to wander off.

Either way you've learned something. And experienced the planter's rite of passage...we've all been through it. Congratulations! You're one of us now!

Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109765 by dewberry
Jul 17, 2007 10:47am
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Quote Now you've experienced the worst that can happen as a planter. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't so terrible, was it?

I agree IT BITES!!! But you live to carve another day. My first MIA box was almost inevitable . The plant was a bit kooky and I know exactly the scenario - homeless person needed shelter during spring rain - looked up and was a forgone conclusion that I had not really thought of - til it happened!!!

During a check session #2 and #3 came blam blam ....the first was just gone ...the second I thought was gone and in my despair I was wandering in circles hoping for a miracle and low and below a baggie - ratty but there, then another baggie....could it be? Then there was the brawny paper towel - that used to hold the stamp - btw my 1st carve ever! As I turn around looking on the ground - there in the dirt face down - the logbook - still intact - sun bleached but great - what we couldn't find - the container and my baby stamp ! : ( I stood for a moment frantically looking everywhere ...bushes, edges of logs....anywhere it could have moved....the same basic path of the rest ) NADA!

I sadly strolled home and began the 2 new carves - in a better medium - ; ) The things we learn?
Love to carve - hate to loose them they are so all so precious! But it gives us a chance to hone our carving skills and thicken our skin.

happy hunting, enjoy the journey,
Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109765 by dewberry
Jul 17, 2007 10:52am
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LOL, good perspective. Thank you!
Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109728 by Pioneer Spirit
Jul 17, 2007 10:56am
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Quote I've changed some of my boxes to a minimum f-count as one cure

I've done the same thing with many of mine.
One reason was for security, but also because I was getting lots of emails from newbies. It seemed that my clues weren't straight-forward enough for them. Hopefully with a few finds under their belts various clue styles won't seem so daunting.
Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109753 by Jenkins on a Journey
Jul 17, 2007 5:43pm
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When you go back, check and see if it is there, and if it isn't just hang back away for a few minutes to allow any boxers a chance to re-plant it. If it doesn't show up in 10-15 minutes, I'd say it's gone. I have gone to do maintenance on boxes and found them missing, only to wait a few minutes and sure enough, here comes someone re-hiding the dog gone thing.
Re: My box is missing!
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #109705 by Jenkins on a Journey
Jul 18, 2007 4:43am
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I have started naming only the city that the box is in and then providing clues to what park, etc to get started in instead of naming it right off. I figure newbies, or those out to just destroy or whatever won't take the time at home to decipher where it is.