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Read Thread: Is it awful to.....

Re: Is it awful to.....
Board: State: South Carolina
Reply to: #107121 by the Dawg Pound
Jul 7, 2007 4:22pm
Thread (disabled) Board
for some odd reason, there are some areas where all the boxers use LBNA exclusively, and some that use primarily Atlas Quest. me, I use least half the boxes here in phoenix are listed only at LBNA...and those boxers who never come to AQ are much out of the communication loop, imho...for example, many of them have no idea that I am hosting a gather next weekend, and most of the people coming are not from phoenix. There is a big bunch of people boxing in tucson that do use AQ though, so I see a lot more tucson boxes listed here than phoenix ones.

This is slowly changing, as new boxers coming in are being taught to use both

I can see how you as a new person might percieve a big rivalry or competition between the two sites, but nothing could be further from the way it works. LBNA is a site designed to list boxes. AQ is also a site designed to list boxes, but also to bring people together. Both sites do what they were designed to do, adn do it very well. There are far more boxes on LBNA than AQ...a lot of the less-social and more-secretive boxers use LBNA exclusivley, while the more social boxers gravitate to AQ...many people list their boxes on both sites. Many people get their clues from both sites. AQ, though, has also become a place to hang out together and talk about not just boxing, but the rest of what is happening in our lives too.

sorry, didn't mean to wax philosophical on you. the bottom line is, for the most part the two sites, their owners, and the boxers who use them get along, and talking about one or the other place is cool.

night writer