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Read Thread: Letterbox Frustration with a Friend

Re: Letterbox Frustration with a Friend
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #105459 by Jenkins on a Journey
Jul 2, 2007 3:47pm
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I copied this from a yahoo group I was on in the very beginning of my boxing career! I hope it helps.


rehiding: Are you a ten?

I think I may email this to a few folks, or maybe
everybody who has recently done one of my boxes:

How do you score on rehiding the box?
Are you a ten? Or do you race from box to box?

1. Scope the area for mugglers before rehiding.
Assign a scout.
2. Deflate, squeeze, seal each and every ziplock with
the zeal of an obsessive compulsive, anally retentive
3. Perform a complete contents check to ensure nothing
has been left out of box.
4. Screw, snap, burp the box tightly and
appropriately. Shake & check.
5. Rehouse box in exact location as found. Kneel if
6. Replace ALL rocks, leaf litter, branches in an
artful but casual manner.
7. Do a complete 360 sway to make sure the box is not
visible from any horizontal angle.
8. Execute 5 or more stork stretches, peck‘n bend to
ensure that the box is not visible from any vertical
9. Rehide the box yourself! Your child, aged
grandmother or newbie friend should NOT do this.
10. Perform final site and perimeter check. Move on
slowly. Speed kills boxes.

Re: Letterbox Frustration with a Friend
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #105498 by HG's Crew
Jul 2, 2007 5:54pm
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Quote I'm the boxer in charge of organization, clues, lists, log-ins, and if you've ever seen my PLB load, well you know. I need to have stuff to organize and keep track of. It's what I do best. I even have a list of lists I have to make. :)

-HG (I think some people call it OCD.) :)

I am a "closet" organizer. My house is a mess... but it's an ORGANIZED mess. My LB clues are sorted into binders by area, with another binder for unsolved mysteries. Going on a hunt? That calls for yet another binder with clues for the day, sorted by the order in which they should be found.

My daughter calls me "Monkish".

Re: Letterbox Frustration with a Friend
Board: Letterbox Chatter
Reply to: #105693 by six stars
Jul 3, 2007 4:22pm
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This sounds like someone is following me!!!! Except for the part where the kid cannot rehide-my 10 yo hides as well as I do, double checking from all angles. We even look around for extra material to place on top of boxes so they're really well hidden.