Box #31143

Local Motion (2) Hand-carvedStrollCompassBikeUrbanPuzzle

Newport Beach, CA
Record Finds
& Attempts
PlanterReidling Trinity (owner)ProfileContactLogbookNote
PlantedFebruary 4, 2007
NameLast Found F-Summary Findability
Box #1-- Gearing Up
by Reidling Trinity
activeFeb 15, 2008ffffFffchallenging
Box #2 -- Wave Rider, Two
by Reidling Trinity
activeSep 15, 2007ffxfFfchallenging
Photo Clue
Click for full-sized image
Newport Beach, CA

**Please be stealthy when hunting this series... this is a very URBAN LOCATION.

Box #1 – Gearing Up

Location Clue:
1. The finest surf movie ever made (in the 70s)?
2. First name of surfer (male) who won the 2006 US Open of Surfing?
3. North shore Mecca for surfers?
4. First name of “The Father of Southern California Surfing?”
5. The last name of a surfer’s clothing company started in Orange County?
6. Last name of (male) 1999 World Surfer Champion?
7. “Surf’s __?”
8. Last name of male surfer who holds unprecedented eight World Surfing Championships?
9. The first name of the male surfer who was known as the Waimea Bay Big Wave rider, who “would go?

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Box Clue: on parking lot side of building, to the right of “radioactive container,” in north (on compass) corner of planter, buried under bark. Be discreet— highly active location.

Please be sure to replant box under the bark and then level out the bark over the box so the box is completely covered.

Box #2 – Wave Rider, Two
box replaced June 10, 2007

Location Clue:
1. The contours of _____ or sand bank influence wave shape?
2. Lahinch, Co. Clare is becoming a popular surf spot in this country?
3. The East Coast Surfing Championships are hosted at this beach?
4. An influential 1966 documentary about surfers?
5. A major Australian manufacturer and retailer of boardwear?
6. Popular brand of board stickum, which has an erotic name.

__ __ __ __ __ __

To get there, from Box #1, use crosswalk when crossing street! Go to:


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __

Box Clue: stand behind “IT” [3/30/07 Note: "IT" has been moved up about 10 feet -- it'll probably be moved back about 10 feet at the end of summer -- so take that into consideration, depending on the season] and face 282 on your compass. Walk [until you come to the rocks and then walk along them to the right] until you come to the large flat rock. Stand on rock. To the top left of rock is a small rock wedged between it and another large rock. Box is under small rock. To get to box, remove the tiny rock at the base of the small rock on river side and dig -- we've buried it so it isn't an obvious find... but you won't have to dig for long because it's only buried under about an inch of sand.

When replacing the box, be sure to bury it again and then wedge the tiny rock firmly back in place.

Be discreet. Be stealthy. There's LOTS of activity and there can be MANY eyes upon you... so don't just hit and run, hang-out a little while so you don't draw attention to yourself... besides, it's a REALLY good spot to sit and watch the sunset!

Hike Length: 0.2 miles
NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer.