Box #23071

Our Mascot Series (3) Hand-carvedMysteryCompassPuzzle

Record Finds
& Attempts
PlanterFlit girl (owner)ProfileContactLogbookNote
NameLast Found F-Summary Findability
Go Eagles!
activeAug 23, 2008ffffffffffchallenging
Go Wildcats!
retiredJun 20, 2008fffffffFfximpossible
Go Colts!
retiredSep 30, 2007ffxfimpossible
Photo Clue
Click for full-sized image
Flit Girl and her siblings go to these schools. These are their mascots.

#1 Go Eagles!
Go Eagles! was planted as part of Mystery Box Planting Day 2006

Solve the Jumble at the right to find out where to start looking for the eagle. You will have to open it in a new browser window, view full screen, and then print.

Once you have determined where to start, go to the "Eagles Nest". Find your way to the back of where "loud eagle calls" come from. Walk north to the end of the top section of fence, then walk 20 degrees to the woods. Find the mulched path. At the first intersection, stay straight. At the second intersection, turn left. Immediatley on your left is a rotted root base. Go Eagles! is hiding at the base, under some bark. Rehide better then found.

You are on the Cross Country trail, which is a nice walk through the woods if you have the time.

#2- Go Wildcats!
Planted February 17, 2007. Go Wildcats! is at the Middle School that shares a drive with Go Eagles! Next to the Scott Gilbert Challenge Course are the tennis courts, which are lined on one side with Leeland Cyprus bushes. Starting at the corner nearest the tall "catwalk" feature of the challenge course, count to the 7th bush. Go Wildcats is IN the bush. Check the logbook and please replace in the same bush when done. ** Update 2/7/08 - the bonus box is unavailable at this time

#3 - Go Colts!
***** 10/2/2007 :o( Go Colts has gone missing. Not sure if it will be recarved.... *****
Planted on December 23rd. Go Colts! is at the Elementary School south of "Go Eagles"! The original plan was to plant in the habitat, but you will see why plans changed when you get there! This is essentially a drive-by...

Bus Entrance
Straight to the back
Covered Pavilion
Small boulder (or very large rock)
Go Colts!

Please rehide in the same spot!

New boxers: Welcome to Letterboxing! We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do. Please be sure that before you replace a box, you put the stamp and logbook in their own bags and SEAL them. Then, put these 2 bags in the larger bag and SEAL it. Finally, please seal the container completely before replacing it & hiding it better than you found it. This is not meant to be taken the wrong way--just a gentle request from a letterboxer that doesn't want to lose her letterbox contents to weather or critters. :-) Happy boxing!
NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer.