Box #2714

Ornery Rhino Hand-carvedStrollDogBike

Monroe Ave & Highland Ave, Rochester, NY
Record Find
or Attempt
Planternoydb (owner)ProfileContactLogbookNote
PlantedDecember 23, 2004
NameLast Found F-Summary Findability
Ornery Rhino
unknownJul 1, 2017fxffffffxxchallenging
Placed in honor of The Rochester Raging Rhinos - the finest A-League Soccer Team in the land whose defeat of numerous MLS teams en route to the Lamar Hunt Open Cup Championship is the stuff of legends.


Cobb's Hill Park is in Rochester, NY. If driving, enter the park off Highland Ave just East of Monroe Ave and proceed uphill. Hours are limited - no midnite boxing.


Start at the greek temple atop the hill facing the setting sun. Circle clockwise along the asphalt path past 15 streetlights. Stand at the 16th light and look across the road to a windswept evergreen. Notice the posts by the side of the road and pick out the second post to the left of the tree. Follow the line formed by the 16th light and that post across the road, past the evergreen, and into the treeline beyond. Look for a hollow stump about 2' tall.

Look in the stump under leaves and duff in a camo cozy for a rhino that, while no longer quite so raging, is still a bit ornery.

Hike Length: 0.3 miles
NOTE: Before you set out you must read and agree to the Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer.